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Irina Snezhinskaya



Irina Snezhinskaya



Country of residence





Lunachraskogo st. 212, off. 404 620026 Yekaterinburg, RU

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Irina Snezhinskaya in 1981 graduated from the State Institute of Theatrical Arts and began working filmmaker creative association " Telefilm ". Her work " Resort town " (1994) , "The Return" (1995), "Goodbye , kindergarten " (1996) , "Capital" (1996), "The Man with a Movie Camera . 70 years later "( 1998) were repeatedly shown on Central Television of the USSR and awarded prizes of many festivals. She was also given a special award of the Fund "Public Recognition" for television projects withen had a great influence on the formation of public opinion. In 1997, for his contribution to the development of national cinema Snezhinskaya IY was admitted to the Union of Cinematographers of Russia Since 2003, Snezhinskaya is a head of the production company "SNEGA ". She is a producer of feature films " 12-th Summer " ( 2008 ), " Playing with dolls " ( 2010 ) . These films received numerous awards most prestigious national and international film festivals for children and youth . Among them : the Grand Prix of the Moscow International Film Festival for Children and Youth (2009), Grand Prix International Film Festival for Children and Youth " Schlingel " in Germany (2010), Prize " for the best performance of children's role » XI China International Film Festival for children and youth , Jianying (2011), UNICEF Prize at the XIV International Festival of Films for Children and Young People «OLIMPIA» in Greece (2011) and others. Total feature films production company " SNEGA" were awarded over 70 prizes and awards. Furthermore, Snezhinskaya is produced over 40 documentaries.

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